Passionate. Inquisitive. Believer of Impossible Things.

Over twenty years working in the software industry, creating value using technology.

Stories of my Professional Life.

This site is a compilation of some of my most valued experiences working in software information technology. It is a personal journey; it is an introspection of what I have learned and an explanation of my good and bad decisions. I try to look back at them from afar, from a more mature and wiser me. For the agile practitioner, this could be the equivalent of my professional life’s retrospective. I hope you enjoy some of them, learn from them, and maybe have a little laugh, why not?

Latest Posts

Writing: A great way to learn from your experiences.
"I write not because I know but because I want to know."Julio …
People over Process, Process over Tools
I recently read a recommendation about a tool about Data Governance and …
Genba: See for Yourself a Better Way to Define Software Requirements.
“Gemba” is a Japanese word that means “go see by yourself” and is …
OnLine Training, A Few Tips
When I arrived in the US, I could not work in the …
What I learned about Data Governance working in Central America
Recently I took a data warehousing class, and one of the themes …
Instruments to Generate Conversation and Obtain a Working Software Product
One of the first systems that I designed was about distributing chicken …

Posts by Category


People over Process, Process over Tools
I recently read a recommendation about a tool about Data Governance and …
Genba: See for Yourself a Better Way to Define Software Requirements.
“Gemba” is a Japanese word that means “go see by yourself” and is …
Instruments to Generate Conversation and Obtain a Working Software Product
One of the first systems that I designed was about distributing chicken …
Planning Top-Down, Executing Bottom-Up, The Agile Approach
Someone once asked me, “How do you handle a missed deadline?” We …
Reduction of Communication Bias in Project Management
I have worked as a project manager for several years, and communication …


People over Process, Process over Tools
I recently read a recommendation about a tool about Data Governance and …
What I learned about Data Governance working in Central America
Recently I took a data warehousing class, and one of the themes …
Instruments to Generate Conversation and Obtain a Working Software Product
One of the first systems that I designed was about distributing chicken …
Planning Top-Down, Executing Bottom-Up, The Agile Approach
Someone once asked me, “How do you handle a missed deadline?” We …
Reduction of Communication Bias in Project Management
I have worked as a project manager for several years, and communication …


Writing: A great way to learn from your experiences.
"I write not because I know but because I want to know."Julio …
OnLine Training, A Few Tips
When I arrived in the US, I could not work in the …

My Brands

  • Balam Technologies logo is inspired by the Mayan Ruins of Tikal and the mighty jaguar. The Mayan name of the jaguar is Balam. Mayans were scientists, astronomers, mathematicians, architects, and artists. They invented the zero before the westerners and used a vigesimal system base on the twenties. Mayans used the fingers and the toes to count, whereas the westerners only used the fingers, hence the decimal system.
  • Kakaw Ventures logo is inspired by the Huipil’s colors, a typical blouse used by the Mayan women in Guatemala. Kakaw means Cocoa in their language; this fruit was used as money in the ancient world. Cocoa is the Mayans’gift to the world, and the Huipil is a wonderful piece of art. The women weave the fabric by hand, including patterns depicting important facts of their lives. This craft is passed on from mothers to daughters, and nowadays, this skill is getting lost due to modernization.
  • Millennium logo is inspired by the Guatemalan’s national bird, the Quetzal. The Quetzal is green with a red breast and a long feathered tail. The Mayan nobility and priests used the feathers as precious garments in the ancient world. The hexagons represent the pieces that need to be together to get a good software product. An old legend speaks about the Quetzal descending on the dead body of Tecun Human, a national Mayan hero who fought against the Spaniards and was slain along a river. Since then, a bloodstain stands on the breast of this beautiful bird, which dies in captivity depicting Mayan people’s souls under the Spanish Conquistadores’ rule and today’s inequalities and poverty.

Logos’ designs by Gabriela Sao, a graphic artist, expert in everything visual